Sisters Check-In (SCI) is a sisterhood that promotes Revival by Empowering Women spiritually and practically in community. Our inner circle called the SCI RoundTable meets via Zoom WEEKLY for Biblical Teaching, Practical Application, RoundTable Discussions and More! From Instagram Lives to full blown Conferences, Since 2020, collectively, we've been determined to not overlook our season and savagely reclaim our identity, marriage, children and environment with our God-given authority. In doing so, we’ve understood that we weren't meant to do life on our own so we live by the motto, “Your World Needs You” meaning, you have been commissioned to make disciples of the world that God has uniquely called you to. You my Sis, have something to bring to the Table.
They are manufacturers of the all-in-one pre-filled Communion Cups. This means that when you shop for your communion cups through our link, Sisters Check-In gets 20% of the proceeds to continue to advance our ministry’s mission! Thank you for your continued support!!!
-Nieve Leonor Pacheco, SCI Leader & Founder
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